I just finished my windowfarm about a week ago. I had already started an aquaquaponic system in march of this year at a buddy’s of mine. I moved out of my parents into an apartment in August and immediately moved and started my system and have been having a blast doing it. I stumbled upon WF videos on YouTube. And I’m sure you know what came after that.. I searched and searched for 1.5L bottles and couldn’t find a single one. I was bummed! But I remembered seeing somebody was successful with 1L evian water bottles. So I rushed out and got 10 for $10. I originally went with the hanging reservoir, but decided with my current work schedule I needed something more stable and self running. So I threw in a 5 gallon water jug as a fish tank. The plumbing is a little janky and would like it cleaned up for the road. But I got it running for now. The air pump is the 4 outlet petco air pump. All outlets start with a check valve. The first and second outlets goes to a T valve where it is met with water and the drip tube. I couldn’t run both columns with 1 air supply. The water line is a siphon that goes from the tank to a coil on the floor and back up to a Y vavle, then into each columns T valve. I don’t really get a good bubbling action. It is more of a bubble and slurp mixture. I also have flow rate valves on each air supply line and on each columns drip line, it helps balance things out but it’s still very unreliable, and I’m worried about clogging issues. I’m currently in the process of cycling this tank, using a water from my aquaponics system. Any advice will be taken into consideration. Sorry if these pictures are big and not in order. This isnt very mobile friendly. Thank you.